Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Child Maltreatment On Children - 1582 Words

In my research paper, I am going to discuss the negative effects that child maltreatment has on a child throughout their childhood and their life. Child maltreatment is defined as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). Child maltreatment includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, as well as neglect and failure to supervise (Franks, Miller, Schelble, 2010). Children who are abused tend to have a lot of emotional and psychological problems. Some of these problems can be treated if taken care of immediately, but unfortunately for some children these issues progress in†¦show more content†¦They begin thinking that it is their fault that these things are happening to them. Some of the children my mother had witnessed and encountered many negative things; which left a damaging effect on them. They would have nightmares, act out in school and wet the bed. Further on in my paper, I am going to discuss child maltreatment and the effects it has on children. I am also going to discuss the interventions used to reduce the effects. Child Maltreatment: Negative Effects Child maltreatment represents one of the most heinous examples of the failure of the caregiving environment to promote positive social and emotional development (Cicchetti Toth, 2005). Research has demonstrated that child abuse and neglect are associated with a variety of negative and enduring psychological, behavioral, and social outcomes (Cicchetti Valentino, 2006; Widom, 2000). In addition, â€Å"maltreatment appears to be one common thread that links systems- involved youth† (Stone Zibulsky (2015). From my personal experience, I have seen the negative outcomes that child maltreatment has on children. As of now my mom has two foster children, both brother and sister they have been with us for nine months. When they originally came to us their older sister was with them, but now her father has custody of her. The brother was severely abused by his father and his mother allowed it to go on. The mother was also being abused by the father and the olderShow MoreRelatedChild Maltreatment And Its Effects On Children Essay1327 Words   |  6 Pages Child Maltreatment Faith A. Hopper Columbia College HUMS 390 Child Maltreatment In the beginning of this course, maltreatment meant getting hit in areas of your body besides your buttocks. But as this class progressed through this class it gets much deeper than that. According to the New York Office of Child and Family Services, maltreatment is defined as the quality of care a child is receiving from those responsible for him/her. 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