Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Fortunately Unlucky A Short Story - 1154 Words

Luhan has always been your typical Good Samaritan—he took part in his school’s volunteering programmes as a child and moved onto organising one of his own as he matured. Never turning a blind eye to the less fortunate, Luhan was the epitome of compassion and sympathy, the person who people generally referred to as those â€Å"who still had a shred of humanity left in them†. Briefly put, Luhan is a darling angel. _____ Italian shoes clacking against the concrete ground, he skilfully dodges the current of people swarming towards his direction as he makes his way to the city’s centre where lies one of the country’s greatest architectural works—his office, one of the most massive financial companies the world has to offer. However, as he turns†¦show more content†¦He fishes out a few loose change, gently placing it beside the other with a soft ‘clink’ and took quick, hurried steps because he was officially three minutes late. Although he doesn’t manage to get far when something hits him on the back of his head, hard. Clutching the throbbing spot, he turns back; warm coffee orbs meets cool liquid chocolate spheres, engaging the pair in a heated staring match. Eyes never leaving the other’s, the other man bits out. â€Å"I don’t need your charity.† Giving one last smouldering glower, the man calmly close his eyes, expression sinking into one of cool serenity, leaving Luhan gawking on the spot. Did he just—he did, didn’t he? Luhan found his thoughts all in a jumble of words and it took a while to seem barely coherently again. â€Å"W-what?† The shorter male sputters out, eyes blinking in rapid succession. His pretty face contorts into one of utter incredulity as the other sardonically repeats himself, words rolling off his tongue with an almost unnoticeable lisp. â€Å"Your charity is not needed here, O Benevolent One.† â€Å"But—† â€Å"Not. Needed. Now go away, you’re interrupting my beauty sleep. † And that, my dears, is the start of a delightfully unlikely friendship. ______ The looming trees above were intertwined; branches from opposite trees were so intricately laced together, it was hard to tell where one branch started and where the otherShow MoreRelatedLove Of Day Ah Dallas Mare Toes Essay972 Words   |  4 PagesLove of â€Å"Day Ah Dallas Mare Toes† When you ask people what is the most important emotion exist in the world. Most people will certainly answer love is the significant thing which cannot be instead forever. This story talked about the love between main characters, including Rio, Aunt T, Uncle Jeff, Daddy and Stephen. It could be called multiple angle love. Uncle Jeff was a gay who loved Daddy, but Daddy had boyfriend rather than Uncle Jeff. 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